
Joyland Editions is a nonprofit independent press committed to publishing books that do not fit into the traditional publishing landscape. We publish two novellas every year, and we are distributed by Asterism Books

General Guidelines

  • We accept submissions of ~20,000-60,000 words.
  • Joyland Editions charges $7 per submission. All submission fees go towards Joyland Publishing administrative fees and paying writers and editors. 
  • Any writer who wishes to submit for free may email us at joylandeditions@joylandmagazine.com with the subject line "Submittable Fee Waiver" to receive a link to our free submission portal.
  • Please allow up to three months for our editors to review and respond to your manuscript.
  • We are unable to personally respond to each submission that we receive. 
  • We accept works in translation. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are okay. 
  • Work should be submitted as a PDF. 

What to Include

  • A cover letter no longer than one single-spaced page including: a brief author's bio (and translator's bio, if applicable) and a short description of the manuscript that you are submitting 
  • The complete manuscript (~20,000-60,000 words)

All questions regarding submissions should be sent to joylandeditions@joylandmagazine.com. 


Joyland Magazine accepts unsolicited submissions of fiction year round. All submissions must be in English. We welcome works in translation. Simultaneous submissions are allowed. We consider fiction submissions (short stories and stand-alone novel excerpts) of up to 12,000 words. Our average response time is 12-16 weeks. All writers are compensated $200 for stories published with Joyland Magazine.

Joyland Magazine charges $5 per submission. All submission fees go towards web-hosting fees and paying writers and editors. Writers who wish to submit for free may email us at joylandmagazine@joylandmagazine.com with the subject line "Submittable Fee Waiver" to receive a link to our free submission portal.

Joyland Magazine